Strava Data

Article on how to effectively scrape and store Strava data using the targets package

Julian During

I am an avid runner and cyclist. For the past couple of years, I have recorded almost all my activities on some kind of GPS device.

I record my runs with a Garmin device and my bike rides with a Wahoo device, and I synchronize both accounts on Strava. I figured that it would be nice to directly access my data from my Strava account.

In the following text, I will describe the progress to get Strava data into R, process the data, and then create a visualization of activity routes.

You will need the following packages:


The whole data pipeline is implemented with the help of the targets package. You can learn more about the package and its functionalities here.

In order to reproduce the analysis, perform the following steps:

Target Plan

We will go through the most important targets in detail.

OAuth Dance from R

The Strava API requires an ‘OAuth dance’, described below.

Create an OAuth Strava app

To get access to your Strava data from R, you must first create a Strava API. The steps are documented on the Strava Developer site. While creating the app, you’ll have to give it a name. In my case, I named it r_api.

After you have created your personal API, you can find your Client ID and Client Secret variables in the Strava API settings. Save the Client ID as STRAVA_KEY and the Client Secret as STRAVA_SECRET in your R environment.

STRAVA_SECRET=<Client Secret>

The function define_strava_app shown below creates the OAuth app:

define_strava_app <- function() {
  if (Sys.getenv("STRAVA_KEY") == "" | Sys.getenv("STRAVA_SECRET") == "")
      "Please set system variables 'STRAVA_KEY' and 'STRAVA_SECRET' before ",
      "continuing. How you can create these variables is described here: ",
      " ",
      "You can set the system variables with the `usethis::edit_r_environ` ",

    appname = "r_api",
    key = Sys.getenv("STRAVA_KEY"),
    secret = Sys.getenv("STRAVA_SECRET"))

Define an endpoint

Define an endpoint called my_endpoint using the function define_strava_endpoint.

The authorize parameter describes the authorization url and the access argument exchanges the authenticated token.

define_strava_endpoint <- function() {
    request = NULL,
    authorize = "",
    access = "")

The final authentication step

Before you can execute the following steps, you have to authenticate the API in the web browser.

define_strava_sig <- function(endpoint, app) {
    endpoint, app,
    scope = "activity:read_all,activity:read,profile:read_all",
    type = NULL, use_oob = FALSE, as_header = FALSE,
    use_basic_auth = FALSE, cache = FALSE)

The information in my_sig can now be used to access Strava data. Set the cue_mode of the target to ‘always’ so that the following API calls are always executed with an up-to-date authorization token.

Current authenticated user

Download information about the currently authenticated user. When preprocessing the data, the columns shoes, clubs and bikes need special attention, because they can contain multiple entries and can be interpreted as list columns.

active_user <- function(access_token, user_list_cols, meas_board) {
  athlete_url <- parse_url("")

  r <- athlete_url %>%
      query = list(access_token = access_token)) %>%

  user_list <- content(r, as = "text") %>%

  df_user <- user_list[
    map_lgl(user_list, ~ !is.null(.x))
    & map_lgl(names(user_list), ~ !(.x %in% user_list_cols))] %>%

  list_cols <- user_list[names(user_list) %in% user_list_cols] %>%

  for (i in seq_along(list_cols)) {
    df_user[[names(list_cols)[[i]]]] <- list(list_cols[[i]])

In the end there is a data frame with one row for the currently authenticated user:

# A tibble: 1 x 27
        id resource_state firstname lastname city  state country sex  
     <int>          <int> <chr>     <chr>    <chr> <chr> <chr>   <chr>
1 26845822              3 "Julian " During   Bali~ Bade~ Germany M    
# ... with 19 more variables: premium <lgl>, summit <lgl>,
#   created_at <chr>, updated_at <chr>, badge_type_id <int>,
#   weight <dbl>, profile_medium <chr>, profile <chr>, blocked <lgl>,
#   can_follow <lgl>, follower_count <int>, friend_count <int>,
#   mutual_friend_count <int>, athlete_type <int>,
#   date_preference <chr>, measurement_preference <chr>,
#   clubs <list>, bikes <list>, shoes <list>


Load a data frame that gives an overview of all the activities from the data. Because the total number of activities is unknown, use a while loop. It will break the execution of the loop if there are no more activities to read.

read_all_activities <- function(access_token, active_user_id) {
  activities_url <- parse_url(

  act_vec <- vector(mode = "list")
  df_act <- tibble(init = "init")
  i <- 1L

  while (nrow(df_act) != 0) {
    r <- activities_url %>%
        query = list(
          access_token = access_token,
          page = i)) %>%


    df_act <- content(r, as = "text") %>%
      fromJSON(flatten = TRUE) %>%
    if (nrow(df_act) != 0)
      act_vec[[i]] <- df_act
    i <- i + 1L

  act_vec %>%
    bind_rows() %>%
      start_date = ymd_hms(start_date),
      active_user_id = active_user_id)

The resulting data frame consists of one row per activity:

# A tibble: 648 x 62
   resource_state name               distance moving_time elapsed_time
            <int> <chr>                 <dbl>       <int>        <int>
 1              2 "Test manueller E~    3010         3600         3600
 2              2 "Test Yoga"              0           61           61
 3              2 "Tieringen \U0001~    8055.        3208         3269
 4              2 "Sunset \U0001f30~    7543.        3107         3141
 5              2 "Hangen Sprint "      9275.        3715         3871
 6              2 "\U0001f499\U0001~    7742.        3115         3161
 7              2 "22222 \U0001f92a"    7748.        3203         3273
 8              2 "Storm Run"           6771.        2845         2915
 9              2 "Union Ride"         44468         6730         7321
10              2 "February Nightca~    6701.        2839         2850
# ... with 638 more rows, and 57 more variables:
#   total_elevation_gain <dbl>, type <chr>, workout_type <int>,
#   id <dbl>, start_date <dttm>, start_date_local <chr>,
#   timezone <chr>, utc_offset <dbl>, location_city <lgl>,
#   location_state <lgl>, location_country <chr>,
#   achievement_count <int>, kudos_count <int>, comment_count <int>,
#   athlete_count <int>, photo_count <int>, trainer <lgl>, ...

Make sure that all ID columns have a character format and improve the column names.

pre_process_act <- function(df_act_raw, active_user_id, meas_board) {
  df_act_raw %>%
    mutate(across(contains("id"), as.character)) %>%
    rename(athlete_id = ``)

Extract ids of all activities. Exclude activities which were recorded manually, because they don’t include additional data:

rel_act_ids <- function(df_act) {
  df_act %>%
    filter(!manual) %>%


A ‘stream’ is a nested list (JSON format) with all available measurements of the corresponding activity.

To get the available variables and turn the result into a data frame, define a helper function read_activity_stream. This function takes an ID of an activity and an authentication token, which you created earlier.

Preprocess and unnest the data in this function. The column latlng needs special attention, because it contains latitude and longitude information. Separate the two measurements before unnesting all list columns.

read_activity_stream <- function(id, active_user_id, access_token) {
  act_url <- parse_url(stringr::str_glue(

  r <- modify_url(
    query = list(
      access_token = access_token,
      keys = str_glue(
        "watts,temp,moving,grade_smooth"))) %>%


  df_stream_raw <- fromJSON(content(r, as = "text"), flatten = TRUE) %>%
    as_tibble() %>%
    mutate(id = id) %>%
    pivot_wider(names_from = type, values_from = data)

  if ("latlng" %in% colnames(df_stream_raw)) {
    df_stream <- df_stream_raw %>%
        lat = map(
          .x = latlng, .f = ~ .x[, 1]),
        lng = map(
          .x = latlng, .f = ~ .x[, 2])) %>%
  } else {
    df_stream <- df_stream_raw

  df_stream %>%
    unnest(where(is_list)) %>%
    mutate(id = id)

Do this for every id. Pin the resulting data frames to the local strava_data_26845822 board as an file of type ‘arrow’. By doing so we can later effectively query the data.

pin_meas <- function(act_id, active_user_id, access_token, meas_board) {
  pin_name <- paste0("df_", act_id, "_", active_user_id)
  meas <- read_activity_stream(act_id, active_user_id, access_token)
  pin_write(meas_board, meas, pin_name, type = "arrow")


Visualize the final data by displaying the geospatial information in the data. Join all the activities into one data frame. To do this, get the paths to all the measurement files:

meas_paths <- function(board_name) {
    board_name, type = "file", regexp = "df_\\d.*\\.arrow$", recurse = TRUE)

Insert them all into a duckdb and select relevant columns:

meas_all <- function(paths_meas) {
  act_col_types <- schema(
    moving = boolean(), velocity_smooth = double(),
    grade_smooth = double(), distance = double(),
    altitude = double(), heartrate = int32(), time = int32(),
    lat = double(), lng = double(), cadence = int32(),
    watts = int32(), id = string())

  open_dataset(paths_meas, format = "arrow", schema = act_col_types) %>%
    to_duckdb() %>%
    select(id, lat, lng) %>%
    filter(! & ! %>%
# A tibble: 2,252,282 x 3
   id           lat   lng
   <chr>      <dbl> <dbl>
 1 1327205128  48.2  9.02
 2 1327205128  48.2  9.02
 3 1327205128  48.2  9.02
 4 1327205128  48.2  9.02
 5 1327205128  48.2  9.02
 6 1327205128  48.2  9.02
 7 1327205128  48.2  9.02
 8 1327205128  48.2  9.02
 9 1327205128  48.2  9.02
10 1327205128  48.2  9.02
# ... with 2,252,272 more rows

In the final plot every facet is one activity. Keep the rest of the plot as minimal as possible.

vis_meas <- function(df_meas_pro) {
  df_meas_pro %>%
    ggplot(aes(x = lng, y = lat)) +
    geom_path() +
    facet_wrap(~ id, scales = "free") +
      axis.line = element_blank(),
      axis.text.x = element_blank(),
      axis.text.y = element_blank(),
      axis.ticks = element_blank(),
      axis.title.x = element_blank(),
      axis.title.y = element_blank(),
      legend.position = "bottom",
      panel.background = element_blank(),
      panel.border = element_blank(),
      panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
      panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
      plot.background = element_blank(),
      strip.text = element_blank())